Technology for alleviating drainage problems
and cleaning stormwater
Waterway Ecologics™ designs customizable, nature-based systems that address drainage issues and treat stormwater and septic inflows onsite to prevent harmful pollutants from reaching our precious water bodies. These systems are also an important asset for water conservation efforts, as they are designed to retain and store treated water for onsite, fit-for-purpose reuse.
Our focus is to provide on-site drainage and water treatment solutions for Public and Urban spaces, and Residential spaces
Public and Urban spaces
Our technology can be scaled to accommodate various drainage and runoff inflow volumes.
We integrate solutions for multi-purpose usages such as green streets, parks and pedestrian corridors, with installation options that go from rooftops to street level to below ground.
Solving a roof and stormwater runoff problem in an urban space.
Before: 20,000 gallons of stormwater stored in 600 ft2 stormwater storage vault in the basement of building.
After, with Waterway Ecologics nature-based installation: 28,000 gallons of stormwater stored and treated in hybrid ecoWEIR tech system w/ clean water available for fit for purpose or release.
Residential spaces
Installation of small, pre-designed affordable systems can capture and treat septic system drainfield discharges as well as treat stormwater runoff from houses and driveways. Other persistent drainage issues can also be remedied.
Solving a septic discharge problem in a residential space. Our technology offers a low-impact solution that provides maximized and consistent pollutant removal from septic discharges thereby protecting groundwater and coastal water systems.
The benefits of using our eco-WEIR bioretention system:
Improve water quality
Solve drainage issues
Conserve water